Five Powerful Words to Use in Marketing Messages
With so many emails, social media posts, websites, ads, and many other marketing content forms, it’s hard to stand out as a company. Choosing the right marketing words can be tricky but worth the extra effort in really thinking about what you want to say and how you want the readers to feel. There are many powerful words you could choose to use in marketing messages, but here are five that stand ou

With so many emails, social media posts, websites, ads, and many other marketing content forms, it’s hard to stand out as a company. Choosing the right marketing words can be tricky but worth the extra effort in really thinking about what you want to say and how you want the readers to feel. There are many powerful words you could choose to use in marketing messages, but here are five that stand out.
The word free creates an incentive for the reader. Whether you want them to sign up for a newsletter or grab a product, the word triggers an incentive to get them to do something. With an incentive, it is easy to get readers to click where you want. So be sure that the offer for something free is easily readable.

Authentic speaks to the value of the products or services. Customers want to be sure they are buying something true to what it should be. Have you ever purchased a product and thought this isn’t authentic? How did it make you feel? Or have you ever had an experience with a company where you thought you might be getting inauthentic service? Don’t let your customers have inauthentic experiences, be sure when you use the word, you really mean it.
The word “act” is a great word to choose when you want to convey urgency. It is a great word to use in a call to action or on a button that you want customers to click on. Using the word act in conjunction with a time limit for an offer or a special promotion is a great way to ensure you have a sense of urgency. Choosing words that create urgency, like “act,” is a must use when you have a special offer going on. You want to make sure people know that this offer is only valid for a limited time.
Phrasing such as “how to” can be very helpful to your customers or potential customers. It can be very frustrating to a customer or potential customer to spend a lot of time looking on your site for how to do something. Be sure you have a page that contains frequently asked questions or “how to’s” as this will serve your customers well and allows them to be independent when completing their tasks. For example, Apple’s help page is extensive and has many different clickable options for people to look at.
Another beneficial word to use in marketing messaging is “timesaving.” This is a great word to use, especially if you explain how the customers can save time. Telling a story where you talk about how customers can use your products or services to save time paints an excellent picture for them to imagine themselves saving time.
With all of the marketing language out there today, be sure your business can stand out by choosing words that speak to a customer's emotions and explain how your company can fulfill those words. There are many other words you might choose, the key being to use the right words in the right context.
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